Maine Summer, Personal

June 28, 2010


We head out to Maine tomorrow, going to spend a month with family and friends. I was born in Maine and lived there until the age of 12, when we had had enough of the freezing winters and moved to Miami.  I feel the pull of Maine in my bones -especially at this time of year.  If you have ever been to Maine, you know what a special place it is.

Here are a few shots from last summer…


My brother and Kim Cass playing at the Blue Hill Wine Shop:

Will, wearing my old music school t-shirt:

It rained a lot last year…

Little morsel checking out the cove -I cannot believe how much she has grown in a year!

Cannot cannot cannot wait!   I’ve been working my tail off for months now, and things will get rolling like crazy again when I return in August -a good crazy, because I truly adore what I do for a living, but still, crazy.  So this time is extra special -did I mention no internet or TVs at the house!?  UNPLUG, Baby!  🙂

Hope you all have a good July -I will try to post when I can!

(Robber spoiler alert -someone even bigger than us is house sitting here in Oakland so don’t even think about breaking in!)