
November 26, 2013

Big Sur Wedding

Ben and Shelly got married on a beautiful September day in Big Sur.   It is so beautiful down there in Big Sur, that I believe the weather gods wanted to show Ben and Shelly that it is just as pretty in the rain as the sun. The exact moment Shelly began walking down the aisle, the skies darkened and it began to POUR.

I have to say, it was one of the loveliest ceremonies I’ve photographed -there were about 2 umbrellas for the entire crowd, so the guests just sat there with big smiles on while the rain soaked through their outfits, hairdos, shoes. I was shooting through a fogged viewfinder and wiping down my lenses with a wet scarf, while my assistant Kara hovered over me with an umbrella. Thank you Kara!

The experience of the ceremony acting as a bonding agent -it was like an Outward Bound for weddings, and everyone was that much cozier and spirited because of it. The reception was a blast -the sun came out, the food was delicious, the dancing crazy. One for the books.

The next morning I got a text from Shelly, sweetly thanking me for our work and sharing that she wouldn’t change a thing about her day. 🙂


Ceremony Location: Ventana Inn
Reception Location: Big Sur Bakery
Photo Assistant: Kara Brodgesell
Wedding Planning and Design: Bon Wed