Here are a few more from the last session! And I promise to post more regularly! It has been a crazy -and fun- two weeks of photographing with Little Bird School Photography, so I have been away from my office for days on end. I can’t wait to share that work, the portraits are looking […]
Here is a little sneak-peak from last Saturday. I met up with Ken and Jane, their little boy Ben and the bun-in-the-oven. It was a gorgeous afternoon… I was thrilled to be back at shooting -I always like to take a break after the holidays and spend time looking over the biz, finding ways to […]
I wanted to share some of the shoots that didn’t make it up in the fall -it is such a busy time, so many of them didn’t get posted. So here is the first in a series of mini-shoots done at Lake Temescal…. Three charming little girls:
I am going over shoots from the fall that I didn’t get a chance to blog. Here is a great family, my second year with them …and they had a new member to introduce: What a good looking crew! I couldn’t get over how fabulous Natalie looked. I mean, come on, she just had her […]
The tunnel above Montclair: I love these- the kids running back into their parent’s arms. I relate to this game. Awesome. Tree. Mamma-love: P+G: Ah, Sean Joaquin… This one kind of breaks my heart: We all need more tunnel: The beauties: My last shoot of 2009! What a wonderful way to end the year. My […]